MAkhE MakhAyam samBhUtam ShrI RanganagarAntikE
KumudhAmsham RAmamishram UpAsE Aham Jagadgurum
In the ChOlA kingdom, on the banks of the river KAvEri, east of ShrI Rangam, there was an agrahAram called ManakkAl. In KaliyugA year 4052, in the year of VirOdikrut, month of MAsi under the Maga nakshatram, ShrI RAmamisrar was born. Because of his place of birth, he came to be popularly known as ManakkAl Nambi. He was the prime disciple of Uyya KondAr. He attended to most of the needs of his Guru while learning the VEdAs from him. Eventually when Uyya KondAr's dEvigal passed, he moved in with his Guru and took care of all the day to day household chores also.
Once a group of women in the village decided to frolic in the waters of the KAvEri - to bathe and play for a while. Uyya KondAr's two daughters wished to participate in the fn as well. Sp he sent ManakkAl Nambi to chaperone them. After finishing up their food on the banks of the river, all the women went their separate ways. But Uyya kKondAr's daughters ot lost along the way and found themselves stranded in front of a stream, not knowing how to cross the waters. ManakkAl Nambi sensed their fear when he caught up with them. He immediately laid down in the stream and asked the girls to walk on his back to cross it. They did accordingly. Then he dropped them off close to their house and went to his own house to take a quick bath. Before he could come back, Uyya KondAr sensed all the events that happened and was very happy. He conveyed his happiness and blessings to his sishyA. ManakkAl Nambi was also very happy and added "UttrEn ugandu pani seidu un pAdam, pettrEn, EdE yinnam vEnduvadendAi".
ManakkAl Nambi settled with his disciples in ShrI Rangam. His premier disciples were AlavandAr, Deivaththukkarasu Nambi, GOmadaththu ThiruviNNagarappan and SiruppuLLOOrAvudaiya Pillai Achchi.
Anujjida KshamA yOgam ApuNyajanabAdhakam
Asprushta madarAgam tam RAmam Turyam UpAsmahE
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